Alderney rises in popularity as holiday destination

Strategic tourism programme successfully increases visitors

Be a Tiger first became involved with The Channel Island of Alderney in 2012 when we were asked to provide strategic and executional support for the tourism marketing programme and to provide training for the on-island marketing executive.

BAT began by facilitating a number of workshops to define and then articulate the brand proposition, followed by the creation of a brand plan to be benchmarked against a set of pre-defined outcomes, culminating in a tactical plan to roll out all of the activity.

Following this, a framework of achievable objectives were agreed and implemented against a tightly defined budget. BAT developed and implemented a new brand nomenclature and identity for all aspects of Alderney marketing (resulting in a more coherent approach and more cost-effective development of communication materials).

Having firstly achieved stopping the decline in tourist numbers, the BAT team are now building up visitors. The future looks positive with the latest stats confirming:

In Q1 2014 67% more private planes have visited Alderney compared to Q1 2013.

In April/May 2014 the number of yacht night visits to the island is up by 60% compared to the same period in 2013  (The increase in yacht nights from France is 111%).

Across the same 2 months the number of charter angling vessels has increased by 35% and the number of charter angling crew is up by 86%.

From 2013 the number of brochures requested via word of mouth/website increased by 50% and the trend continues. The number of brochures distributed on the back of advertising continues to rise.

Web page views on website up by 20%. In July, visitor numbers have been 17.66% higher per month, compared with the previous period.

A cross section of guesthouse owners have said that the majority of their custom have come via the VA website, and they now attract 50% of their guests who have never visited Alderney before.

Key hotels’ bed figures are up steadily from 2012. In 2014, one hotel informed BAT that approximately 38% of their custom is via the VA website and since the launch of the new site, visitor numbers have nearly doubled.

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"Be a Tiger’s expertise, hands on approach and comprehensive planning of the programme is providing us with valuable ideas and insights into effective ways of integrating different media, a strong positioning of the island and reach to niche markets.

We look forward to working together ongoing and are delighted to have the tigers available as an additional resource to our team."

- Roy Burke, Chief Executive of Alderney

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